Home Cases HAYS



Services Provided

Explored question of equity versus equality with executive team. Defined research question. Developed custom survey and interview template for deployment in Chinese, Japanese and English. Gathered, collected, and analysed data. Made recommendations for improving inclusion across their Asian business.

Helped multi-national Asia business understand any barriers to entry and progression that might exist within their organisation

Goals & Challenges

HAYS have a goal for their leadership to reflect the people who work within the organisation as well as the markets they serve. Concerned that local talent, and in particular women, were not being given the same opportunities as others, HAYS wanted to research what barriers to progression might exist for certain employees at HAYS Asia? If so, where in the organisation do they exist, what are those barriers, and who is affected by them? HATCH leveraged their network of expertise with social scientists running interviews in Chinese, Japanese and English, as well as design and deploy a custom survey. Exploring areas like organisational justice, psychological safety, leadership style and meritocracy, HATCH were able to help pin down specific areas for improvement in the HAYS leadership progression, as well as make suggestions for longer-term cultural changes that could support a more diverse and inclusive organisation.

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Clayton Utz
Clayton Utz